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Are You Facing Hair Problems And Looking For The Best Hair Specialist In Lahore?

Hair problems include hair thinning and hair loss. Hair thinning in some cases eventually leads to a bald head. Men around the age of 50 commonly suffer from hair loss and many of them don’t know the exact cause and are unaware of its remedy. Our best hair specialist in Lahore at the Hair Club is always available to provide you the best consultation and solution for your hair problems.

What causes hair loss according to our hair specialist in Lahore?

Hair loss has been a serious issue among young men and women around the globe. Many conditions induce hair loss; some of them are listed below:

  1. The main and common reason is the genetics that provokes hair loss.
  2. Poor nutrition can also be a hair loss factor.
  3. Usage of some drugs and medications can also cause hair loss.
  4. Thyroid disease, drastic infection or fungus infection can also cause your hair to fall.

What are the hair loss remedies?

Hair specialist in Islamabad has given us a lot of hair loss solutions that are used by patients of hair fall. The medications include:

  1. Rogaine and Propecia are the approved hair loss solutions used. Rogaine is a treatment that cons the form of a lotion and is applied to the affected area. The success rate is not very high; only 14 out of 100 people experience prominent results after using Rogaine. However, it is said that Rogaine slows down hair fall.
  2. Propecia is a pill that is provided to you under the prescription of hair specialist in Islamabad. It is effective for male pattern baldness. But once you cease using it, results may not be maintained.
  3. The other permanent hair loss solutions include surgical treatments like FUE and FUT that are performed under the supervision of skilled hair specialists at Hair Club.
  4. The other solution is PRP hair treatment injects the plasma into your scalp to maintain hair growth.
  5. Nonsurgical methods for hair loss treatment apart from hair medications involve the usage of hair units and hair systems. 

Who is eligible for the hair treatments?

The hair specialist in Karachi has researched well and created a list of people who are good candidates for hair restoration techniques.

  1. Men suffering from male pattern baldness
  2. Women with a female pattern or genetic baldness and hair thinning
  3. People suffering from accidental hair loss, like burns and scalp injuries
  4. People suffering from hair loss due to other reasons
  5. People having healthy donor areas and decent hair grafts

What are the popular hair replacement methods?

Now let’s look briefly into the hair replacement techniques used widely. First of all, grafting or hair transplant will be discussed.

Hair specialist doctor in Karachi at Hair Club informs the hair loss sufferers that hair grafting is the most common surgical hair restoration technique. Hair grafting can also be called as hair transplant. There are mainly two types of hair transplants, Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplant. During an FUE hair transplant procedure, single hair follicles are removed from the donor area and are implanted into the scalp where hair loss is present.

FUT method includes the removal of hair-bearing skin from the scalp which is then divided into grafts with a varying number of hair follicles and then the implantation is implemented. 

Hair specialist in Karachi uses general anesthesia to remove the hair follicles so that pain is minimized. And after the procedure is complete incisions are closed and covered with bandages.

Are there any side effects of hair grafting?

There are no hazardous side effects of hair grafting. However, some patients might experience a few that come and go soon within the recovery period.

  1. Swelling
  2. Inflammation
  3. Itching
  4. Crusting on donor and recipient area
  5. Mild discomfort

What is Scalp Reduction?

A hair specialist doctor in Karachi explains scalp reduction as a surgical method that involves the removal of bald skin from the scalp. Then the donor area skin or the skin that bears’ hair will be pulled up and stitched on the top of your head. Scalp reduction is carried out for both men and women. It generally works for top hair baldness and not for the frontal hairline.

Scalp reduction can be a good choice for someone:

  1. Who has healthy scalp skin with adequate elasticity so that it can be stretched to achieve a full hair head
  2. Who has enough hair on the sides of his head and donor areas
  3. Who has hair loss because of genetic and age factors

Hair reduction is not a good selection for people with many bald patches on their head.


Scalp reduction is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will peel off the bald skin on your scalp. Next, the skin that has hair will be loosened and will be stretched to the top of the scalp where it will be stitched so that it stays in place.

Scalp reduction does not require a stay at the hospital. After the surgery, you are good to go home. However, your surgeon will prescribe you medications and recommend precautions that you will have to follow.

What are the side effects of scalp reduction?

  1. Infection
  2. Swelling
  3. Numbness
  4. Bleeding around the stretched skin flaps
  5. Scarring

Other than the above-mentioned side effects, a hair reduction procedure causes more pain post-surgery than the hair transplant. To control headaches and pains, pain relief medications are instructed. In case of severe pain, visit your surgeon immediately.

At Hair Club, we have numerous experienced and proficient hair specialists who are always ready to serve you. If you are struggling with hair loss remedies, visit Hair Club and get the best solution to your problems. Our gifted hair specialists observe and study your condition vivaciously and then recommend you the right hair replacement method. We have clinics in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Sialkot and Gujrat.